Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Mel Gibson ist ein Judehaßer

VB of the Fox 25 Morning News couldn't have said it any better, so I'll paraphrase him: When you've imbibed significant quantities of alcohol, your true self comes out. I'm a friendly drunk, which I think shows the kind, gregarious heart I have that is oftentimes obscured by shyness and tunnel vision while I'm sober. Mel Gibson is an anti-Semitic drunk, which I think shows the cruel, Jew-hating heart that he must bury inside himself and suppress while sober as a member of an industry controlled by the sons of Abraham.

After The Passion of the Christ, I declared that I would commence a lifelong boycott of Mel Gibson. Gibson's latest anti-Semitic rant after being pulled over for OUI only steels my resolve to avoid Gibson forever, despite the fact that it means I'll never get to appreciate Braveheart. (Then again, I'll never get to appreciate What Women Want either, which might not be a bad thing.) As an aside, I think it's totally bogus that all these celebrities think they can absolve themselves of all fault by admitting to a fake medical condition and entering rehab. (Hello, Patrick Kennedy!)

As another aside, I find it quite interesting that when you put something like the title of this posting in German, it instantly acquires an anti-Semitic connotation. Thanks to Adolf Hitler and his Nazi cronies, Germany and the German language will indefinitely be associated with Jew-hating, even though there is nothing inherently anti-Semitic about the country. Perhaps the generalization is fair, perhaps it isn't.

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