Friday, January 26, 2007

Top Five Jack Bauer Kills

1. Marshall Goren, Day 2
Jack Bauer had just been reactivated earlier in the hour. He needed to establish rapport with a band of domestic terrorists in a hurry. So, he had CTU arrange for the FBI to bring Marshall Goren, the lead witness in the case, in for questioning. When Goren came into CTU, he refused to give any information, since he already had a deal with the FBI. But Jack didn't have questioning in mind for Goren. Instead, he fired a point blank shot into Goren's chest, then delivered one of the greatest lines in 24 history: "I'm going to need a hacksaw." He brought Goren's severed head to the terrorists and was welcomed into the organization in a hurry.

2. Ryan Chappelle, Day 3
On Day 3, Jack Bauer got to do what most people only fantasize about: killing their boss. Terrorist Stephen Saunders demanded the execution of CTU Regional Division Director, under threat of releasing a deadly virus into the public. CTU tried to locate Saunders before the 7:00 a.m. deadline for Chappelle's execution, but they prove unsuccessful. Jack had to take Chappelle to a train yard. Chappelle begged Jack to hand him the gun so that he could kill himself, but when he proved unable to do it himself, Jack grabbed the gun and fired one shot point-blank into Chappelle's head.

3. Curtis Manning, Day 6
Manning was an agent in CTU's field ops team during Days 4 and 5. At the start of Day 6, Jack convinced Hamri Al-Assad, who had recently disavowed terrorism, to join CTU as it sought to combat the present terrorist threat. Jack gave Assad his word that he would keep him safe. Manning was not as willing to forgive, since Assad had personally beheaded some of Manning's fellow soldiers during the Gulf War. Manning grabbed Assad and held a gun to his head, saying that he couldn't "let this animal live." Jack had no choice but to shoot Curtis in the neck.

4. Nina Myers, Day 3
In Day 1, Myers was introduceded as the woman with whom Jack had an affair. By the end of the day, she ended up being revealed as a mole and killed Jack's wife Teri just before midnight. On Day 3, she was brought back to CTU for interrogation. She made the agent pierce her in the neck with a syringe, then escaped from the CTU clinic. She cornered Jack's daughter Kim in the server room, and just before she shot Kim, Jack shot her in the shoulder to disarm her. Then, even though she was immobile, Jack shot her three more times, making sure she was dead.

5. Christopher Henderson, Day 5
Henderson was already captured by Jack once and taken into custody. In order to enlist his help in raiding a Russian submarine, CTU promises Henderson full immunity and Jack promises to help him escape altogether afterward. Once the raid proved successful, Henderson pulled a gun on Jack, but it proved to be fully unloaded. Jack's gun, however, was not so empty. In order to avenge the death of three of his friends earlier that day, Jack went back on his word, firing two rounds into Henderson's chest, killing him instantly.

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