Friday, June 30, 2006

Stupid Spoiled Recording Artist

Last night, the anchorman on the local news made some joke, comparing something to Paris Hilton's new album. "No," I thought. "He's putting me on. Paris Hilton cannot possibly be planning to record an album. There's no way." Oh boy, was I wrong.

It's one thing when the likes of Lindsay Lohan or Hilary Duff cross the line from acting into singing. People who are artistically talented in one genre are generally talented in other genres. Paris Hilton, on the other hand, has made a career out of drinking excessively, dressing like a prostitute, and performing sex acts on a steady stream of men. Nothing Paris Hilton does requires any modicum of artistic talent. Nonetheless, she has parlayed her intoxicated promiscuity into acting gigs (beyond a certain amateur video, that is). Have you ever seen House of Wax? Neither has anyone else, but Paris Hilton was in that. And now, her uber-rich brain-dead party girl antics somehow qualify her to record her own album, mixing elements of reggae, pop, and hip-hop. (Commence vomiting now.)

What bothers me is that somewhere in America, a talented but unknown young woman missed out on a music deal because the record companies decided to put their money behind Paris Hilton instead. Look at all the genuinely desperate people on American Idol who camp out for days for a chance to get in front of Randy, Paula, and Simon and maybe, possibly, somehow make it big. Many of them are actually quite talented -- they just don't have the necessary hook to distinguish themselves from the rest of the pack. Meanwhile, a socialite heiress gets the contract, because, well, people know her name and reputation. (But I can't figure out who would actually buy her album. Everybody I know thinks Paris Hilton is ridiculous and would not give her a cent of their hard-earned cash.)

I won't completely condemn all celebrity worship, but please, people! Choose someone who actually has earned the attention!

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