Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I ♥ Huckabee (Not)

Since he's now the supposed front-runner, I decided to check out the platform for former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee. I was horrified. Among the things Huckabee stands for are a complete ban on abortion (even in cases of rape or for the health of the mother), a belief that homosexuality is sinful and abnormal, support for posting the Ten Commandments inside classrooms, no federal funding of stem cell research, and acceptance of creationism (which I can't even believe is even still on the table in the 21st century).

Now, I consider myself a libertarian-conservative -- libertarian on social issues, conservative on fiscal issues. I don't care much for the anti-gay rhetoric and religious grandstanding in which many Republicans engage, but I'm usually willing to overlook such beliefs in order to find a candidate with sound budgetary priorities. In Huckabee's case, however, his religious convictions seem so pervasive and so vehement that I don't think I could support the man if he becomes the eventual Republican nominee.

Maybe I'm just totally out of touch, but for the life of me, I can't understand what people see in this guy. Are there really that many people out there who want a slice of Jesus served as a side dish to their daily life? Even self-described conservatives that I personally know don't particularly care to have religion so intertwined with politics. Perhaps it's different in the Heartland and there really are masses of people who would want nothing more than to see our country transformed into a theocracy. But when it comes to the general election, I can't in a million years see Huckabee's bible thumping carrying the day.

If the religious zealots insist on nominating a candidate who most closely represents their own agenda rather than one who could actually win an election while keeping some of their interests in mind, we should get ready for these three words: President Hillary Clinton.

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