Friday, September 22, 2006

Top Five Constitutional Amendments

Since I went hard on the Constitution two days ago, I thought that in the interest of equal time, I'd praise it today.

1. 21st Amendment (Repeal of Prohibition)
As a wise man named Homer Simpson once said in toast, "To alcohol -- the cause of and solution to all of life's problems."

2. 2nd Amendment (Right to bear arms)
Because nobody never knows when those damn British might come back.

3. 1st Amendment (Freedom of speech, religion)
It's A Magical World is made possible through the exercise of my 1st Amendment rights. I am able to sound off about whatever the heck I want on this website without fear of government reprisal. Furthermore, as a member of a religious minority who would be at best marginalized and at worst persecuted in many other countries, I can worship freely and openly with the full protection of the United States government behind me.

4. 19th Amendment (Women's suffrage)
For the reason that thanks to this amendment, Adam Carolla and Jimmy Kimmel of The Man Show were able to come up with one of the most brilliant comedy sketches of all time.

5. 20th Amendment (Presidential term limits)
Eight years of Bill Clinton were quite enough for me, thank you very much. It's too bad though that the 20th Amendment prohibitions don't extend to presidential spouses.

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